レジ袋 有料化のお知らせ(7月1日〜)
この度の省令によるプラスチック袋の有料化を受け、ファクトリー(マニュファクチャー)では、紙袋を含むレジ袋全てにおきまして有料化させて頂きます。 みなさま、お買い物の際には是非エコバッグをお持ち下さいませ。
Bring Your Own Bag
In response to new regulations that require us to charge for plastic shopping bags, our bakeries at Factory and Manufacture will start charging for both paper and plastic single-use carryout bags. When visiting us, we encourage you to bring your own bag and help us reduce the adverse environmental impact of single-use paper and plastic.
Customers who buy a bag in June get ¥200 off!