Aki Matsuura
エグゼクティブシェフ | Executive Chef
神奈川県小田原出身。豊かな自然の中、良い文学や音楽に触れながら育ち、文化や暮らしに対する興味を育む。大学卒業後料理の道へ進み、和食、フレンチ、カジュアルダイニングなどを経て、麹町カフェのシェフとなる。その後、エピエリのエグゼクティブシェフとなり、グループ内全てのメニューやケータリング、またレストランウェディングのディレクションを手がける。日々自らキッチンに立ち、ハム、ベーコン、ドレッシングまで全て手作りで無添加、オーガニックにこだわった料理を届けるほか、専門学校での講師や、各地で食に関する講演も行う。著書・協力書籍に「サンドイッチbook (ルックナウ)」「わたしのおべんとう(西東社)」、また「うちのカレー(主婦と生活社)」等がある。
Aki grew her creativity and aesthetic sense by living her childhood close to the nature in Odawara and naturally discovered herself in culinary after finishing her university course. Her culinary passion made her work at various kinds of restaurant from Japanese to French, and the experience came into one place at Kojimachi Cafe. Since after becoming the executive chef of epietriz, Aki takes the direction of not only every single menu of the 3 restaurants but also all the catering projects. She believes that anything can be home-made without using synthetic seasoning and the spirit is reflected on her dishes made even with home-made ham, bacon, and sausage, just to name a few. She is also the author of some cookbooks.
Seiichiro Matsuura
代表 | CEO
Sei began his career in the restaurant business in Tokyo after living in New Zealand where he discovered his passion for hospitality and food. He worked at several restaurants and started his own business in 2004, which was Kojimachi cafe, the very first form of epietriz. His curiosity and creativity has always brought new perspective to Japanese restaurant industry and his contribution of enriching the community and its people has been recognized in various media.