Mid-Autumn Marché 2019
さつまいも、バターナッツカボチャやビーツ、紅くるりなどの根菜も美味しくなってきました!オーストラリアメルボルンのオーガニックティー【LOVE TEA】のアソートパックも販売いたします!土曜のブランチではモンブランタルトや洋梨、りんご、くりの秋のフルーツパフェも登場!
開催日時: 10月25日(金)※ 、26日(土)11:00〜18:00
At Kojimachi Cafe's mid-autumn marché this Friday and Saturday, October 25-26, we have the freshest veggies of the fall season! Enjoy Japanese sweet potatoes, butternut squash, beets, _benikururi_ radish, and more straight from the Miura Peninsula.
From Australia, Kojimachi Cafe will feature an assortment of organic LOVE TEA imported from Melbourne, and for dessert, we'll have mont blanc tarts and a fruit parfait with autumn favorites like apple, pear, and chestnut.
Location: Kojimachi Cafe
Date & Time: Friday, October 25* & 11:00 - 18:00 Saturday, October 26
*Fresh fruits and vegetables go on sale from 11:00 on Friday.